The “Small Talk” Card Game is here!


We have a BRAND-NEW WOODLAND ELVES GAME available, and it’s filled with inspirational and educational wonderfulness: Small Talk!

Small Talk offers children and adults a fun, interactive, non-threatening way to identify feelings, clarify values, and express what is on their minds. It aims to provide a means to a better understanding of themselves and others.

The game consists of 52 two-sided elf cards–BRAND NEW ELF ILLUSTRATIONS from our wonderful illustrator Jay Johnston! The Elf cards display a variety of expressions and emotions and present scenarios depicting moral dilemmas. The cards pose open-ended questions that have no right or wrong answers. There are no individual winners.

Small Talk is meant for humans and elves ages 5 to adult. Any number can play and pass the time with their woodland friends! To order your deck, please click here.

Check out Small Talk by scrolling through the slideshow below!

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What is the value of Small Talk card game for me?

As an ESL teacher of young adults, the Small Talk card game has proven to be a valuable asset in my class. My students have the opportunity to practice reading fluency, comprehension, vocabulary skills and conversation. In addition to the language skills they improve, they can get to develop insight on values and emotions applicable to real-life aspects. I’ve had wonderful experiences in my class while playing the game. One of my students even said “The questions in the game make you think deep and even bring out emotions that you’d not normally discuss.” Everyone just loves it.

Monica Rubio, Guatemala

As a school counselor, I love using the Small Talk cards to initiate conversations about feelings, thoughts and ideas. Each time I pull out the cards, children connect with the very authentic scenarios presented for discussion. The cards o0pen up dialogue and facilitate meaningful and thoughtful conversation around the counseling table, in groups, individually and in the classroom setting. I love the way the cards promote a growth mindset, encouraging a “can do” way of thinking. The beautiful illustrations on each card depict the accurate facial expression for the concept presented. My students love these cards and ask for them often. Any counselor in private practice or in the school setting will find the “Small Talk” cards a valuable resource toward establishing conversations and in building relationships with children. I highly recommend!

Crista Sycks, M.Ed. School Counselor
Woodstock Elementary School
Woodstock, Georgia

These cards have come into my hands like a godsend, because in my English teaching program I do not only teach Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence but something very important to humans, Cross-Curricular Issues (CCI). That is a conglomerate of teaching contents, essentially attitudinal and value-based, which must be developed throughout the curriculum by making them become an essential part of the teaching activities in all the areas. In other words, I am trying to formalize the Education of Values and Attitudes. They are not to be used an in sporadic fashion but constantly, along with every area of the curricula. These CCI are:

  • Education for coexistence, peace and citizenship.
  • Education for human rights.
  • Education for the family and sexual education.
  • Education for risk management and environmental awareness.
  • Education for gender equity.

In the country where I live, PERU and specifically in the neighborhood where I work these CCI are of vital importance to educate children and adolescents and these SMALL TALK CARDS fit and help 100% for this purpose because they were made for that, for an education in POSITIVE VALUES. As students read and understand each of the values that are included on each card, it awakens critical thinking and decision making.

Mg. Ed, Bluidson Cárdenas Ledesma
Colegio, primario y secundario: 3061 ¨Jorge Chávez D¨
Centro de idiomas ¨Carlos Noriega¨
PROHUPE ¨Profesores Humanistas del Perú
Universidad Técnica del Callao

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